Kindred Junta Directiva

Kindred Chair Helen Herrman

Helen Herrman


Jefe de Investigación sobre Jóvenes Vulnerables y Desconectados

Helen Herrman es presidenta de la Asociación Mundial de Psiquiatría (WPA) 2017-2020 y directora del Centro Colaborador de Salud Mental de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), Melbourne. Es profesora de psiquiatría en Orygen y en la Universidad de Melbourne, Australia. Ha recibido el premio de Oficial de la Orden de Australia.

Es miembro de la Comisión de The Lancet sobre Salud Mental Global y Desarrollo Sostenible, y preside la Comisión de The Lancet-WPA sobre depresión cuyo informe se publicará en 2020. Es copresidenta del Consejo del Futuro Global del Foro Económico Mundial sobre Tecnología para la Salud Mental 2019 -20.

En el pasado, como profesora y directora de psiquiatría en St. Vincent's Health Melbourne, lideró el desarrollo de un servicio de salud mental de área integrada bajo la reforma nacional de atención de salud mental de Australia. Durante un año se desempeñó como asesora regional en salud mental para la Región del Pacífico Occidental de la OMS. Sus intereses de investigación y práctica en los campos de la atención de la salud mental comunitaria, la promoción de la salud mental y la salud mental de las mujeres incluyen la salud mental de los grupos marginados, como las mujeres y los hombres jóvenes que viven bajo el cuidado del estado. Lidera el plan de acción de la WPA 2017-2020, preocupado por apoyar la contribución de los psiquiatras a la salud mental mundial.

Jóvenes vulnerables y desconectados, salud mental comunitaria, promoción de la salud mental.

Kindred Board member Steve Curry

Steve Curry


Experto en gobierno, facilitación, participación comunitaria, liderazgo y análisis de políticas. Fuerte profesional en desarrollo de negocios con un Doctorado en Filosofía (PhD) enfocado en Filosofía de la Universidad de Monash.
Kindred Board member Claire Holland

Claire Holland


Claire es profesora en el Programa de Gestión y Resolución de Conflictos de la Universidad James Cook. También trabaja como facilitadora para Scope Global y tiene una práctica de consultoría, Resolución de Conflictos.

Claire estudió una licenciatura combinada en Economía y Derecho en la Universidad de Tasmania con un año de intercambio en la Universidad de Complutence, Madrid y un intercambio de verano en la Universidad de Shanghái, China. Realizó una Maestría en Mediación y Resolución de Conflictos en la Universidad de Queensland mientras trabajaba en el Centro Australiano para Estudios de Paz y Conflictos. Claire es una mediadora acreditada a nivel nacional según los estándares australianos y una entrenadora de conflictos certificada con Conflict Coaching International.

Claire pasó un año trabajando en campos de refugiados en la frontera entre Tailandia y Birmania como especialista en mediación con el Comité Internacional de Rescate (IRC). Su función consistía en capacitar al personal del centro de asistencia legal del IRC, asistentes legales y líderes comunitarios del campamento para mejorar los procedimientos de resolución de disputas, las prácticas policiales y de detención en los campamentos de refugiados. También pasó un año trabajando en Filipinas como Oficial de Desarrollo de Capacidades con una ONG local, trabajando con su equipo de desarrollo institucional para desarrollar un programa de capacitación y recursos sobre gobernanza participativa e igualdad de género y fomentando la participación activa de la comunidad en el proceso de desarrollo.

Kindred Board member Theresa Simpson

Theresa Simpson

Nominated board member

Theresa grew up in Cairns, with proud family connections to Cherbourg (Wakka Wakka) and Mount Isa (Kalkadon).
Raised by her strong and compassionate grandmother Bonnie Simpson as an only child, Theresa was consistently around her mother’s younger siblings and was often mistaken for one of them. This experience as a child immersed her in the positive cultural familiy values of our previous generations and shaped Theresa into the family orientated person she is today, having two children and a large extended family.
Grandmother Bonnie one of the original house mothers that had helped establish Mookai Rosie Bi-Bayan alongside founder Rose Richards.
Theresa has worked at Mookai Rosie Bi-Bayan for nineteen years, continuing in her family’s footsteps, with a passion for improving Women’s Health. Her extensive experience prior to coming to Mookai extends across both the Government and private sectors where she gained expertise in business management and administration, human resources, finance and leadership.
Theresa is determined to sustain and build on the legacy left by the women who built Mookai Rosie before her. A legacy which encompasses both a professional evidence-based health care and accommodation service combined with strong and respectful cultural governance.
Kindred Board member Arturo Harker

Arturo Harker

Nominated board member

Arturo Harker es profesor asociado de la Escuela de Gobierno Alberto Lleras Camargo de la Universidad de los Andes. Doctor en Economía de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles (ULCA). Actualmente es director del Centro de investigación IMAGINA de la Universidad de los Andes. Su área de investigación es la microeconomía aplicada y la evaluación de políticas públicas. En los últimos 12 años ha centrado su trabajo en el diseño, implementación y evaluación de intervenciones para la promoción del Capital Humano. Esta agenda tiene dos capítulos. El primero, se centra en estudiar el impacto de las adversidades en la niñez —tales como la exposición a la violencia, el desplazamiento forzado y la pobreza— sobre el desarrollo humano, concentrándose en el diseño y la evaluación de intervenciones que permitan mitigar dicho impacto. El segundo, se concentra en estudiar programas y políticas públicas que promueven el desarrollo humano desde el sistema educativo y el sistema de salud. Ha liderado y participado en proyectos estratégicos para el sector educativo, salud y social colombiano. Es faculty affiliate y miembro de la junta de directiva de la Child Protection and Care (CPC) Learning Network e investigador asociado y miembro del comité académico del Centro de Estudios sobre Seguridad y Drogas (CESED) de la Universidad de los Andes.

Kindred Equipo

Maria Rodrigues


Maria’s experience as a researcher, educator, and development practitioner spans over fifteen years working at the intersection of mental health, social justice, and cross-cultural peacebuilding. Community mental health, especially addressing intergenerational trauma, has increasingly become the focus of her work. Maria has completed field research in a variety of contexts, notably with Aboriginal communities in remote Australia, as well as post-conflict settings in Kenya, Uganda, and Mozambique.

Maria holds a BA in Psychology from Elmira College and a PhD in Applied Ethics (Global Justice) from the University of Melbourne. Her enthusiasm for working with students has led her to teach at universities across Australia, most recently at James Cook University as part of their MA Program in Conflict Management and Resolution. Maria’s research and consultancy work has contributed to toolkits, policy and strategic documents for StrongMinds Uganda, the National Indigenous Australians Agency, the World Psychiatric Association, Relationships Australia and Amnesty International.

Kindred team member Kirsty McKellar

Kirsty McKellar

Executive Officer

Kirsty holds the needs and desires of people and their communities as central to the way she works. She is a development practitioner who supports any and all stages of the project cycle, including from initial grant application-writing to project implementation.

She applies creative-thinking to the complexity of project scenarios, holding technical skills in research, data collection and coding, report-writing, community facilitation and monitoring, evaluation and learning and diverse SOGIESC inclusion. Kirsty also has experience working in the humanitarian sector, including work that supports the inclusion of communities with diverse SOGIESC in crisis, and her time spent in Maharashtra, India with RedR for post-flood hygiene promotion.

Before working for Community Works and Kindred, Kirsty was a consultant with Edge Effect, an organisation that assists humanitarian and development organisations to work in genuine partnerships with sexual and gender minorities. At Community Works, Kirsty informs decisions around work that requires a deeper understanding of diverse SOGIESC inclusion.

Kirsty graduated from the Master of Development Studies at the University of Melbourne with Honors, and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics & German, and a Diploma in French. She wrote her Master’s thesis on the disaster risk reduction agenda within the context of floods and the monsoon season in Bihar, India. She was interested in uncovering how the writers, implementers and improvisers of disaster management flood policies in Bihar imagine, prepare for and absorb the annual monsoon season. Specifically, she focused on examining the ontologies behind the international disaster risk reduction agenda, and what it can mean to live with uncertainty.

Kindred team member Steve-Fisher

Steve Fisher

Senior Advisor

Before establishing Community Works and being part of the team that founded Kindred, Steve was Marketing Director, Operations Director and Deputy Chief Executive of Practical Action, an international NGO that addresses poverty through technology. He was Chief Operating Officer of the Centre for Appropriate Technology, a national Indigenous organisation in Australia, and Asia Director of BasicNeeds, an international organisation that focuses on mental health and development.

Steve has been appointed an Honorary Fellow at the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne since 2016, where he teaches on the Masters in International Development. He was formerly a board member of Intermediate Technology Consultants, the Colombian Children’s Foundation and Remotebiz and he was the Chair of the Mental Health Association of Central Australia.

Steve is an advisor to multiple organisations, notably Ninti One (since 2008), the World Psychiatric Association (since 2014) and ConnectED (since 2018). His management expertise includes professional coaching, staff management, strategic development and attracting resources for new ventures. He has been a member of successful start-up teams that attracted major investment from multiple sources including the CRC for Remote Economic Development ($32m), the Young and Well CRC ($35m) and CitiesRISE ($14m).

Through the experiences summarised above, Steve has developed a range of specialised skills including in development practice, NGO strategy, scaling successful programs, community mental health, participatory research, monitoring and evaluation for social development programs, community development and appropriate technology. As a facilitator of over 300 workshops in a range of settings in Australia (especially with remote Aboriginal communities), the Pacific, South and South-East Asia, Africa and Latin America, he is accustomed to working through complex issues with multiple participants. Steve is considered an ethical and considerate professional who is open, inquisitive and a critical thinker. He is a strong writer and also a fluent speaker of Spanish.

Kindred team member Carolina Bermúdez

Carolina Bermúdez

Program Manager, Colombia

Carolina is an Anthropologist and Philosopher who has worked with Indigenous groups in Colombia and Australia over the last ten years. She holds a Master of Social Policy from the University of Melbourne. Carolina has extensive fieldwork experience, mostly in the Amazon and she has coordinated several projects focused on education, cultural strengthening and development of economic alternatives for Indigenous groups.

Carolina has developed multiple skills as a social science researcher, using qualitative methods for data collection and analysis. Her research experiences include an exploration for the International Labour Organisation (ILO), identifying barriers Indigenous people face in accessing the labour market in Colombia; she recently developed a case study on ‘Alternatives to coercion’, commissioned by the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry (RANZCP), focusing on a psychiatric clinic in Bogotá.

During the past three years Carolina has been involved in the design and implementation of community mental health and well-being initiatives. She has played an active role in a project funded by Grand Challenges Canada and implemented by OPIAC (Organisation of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon), which aims to support Indigenous youth from Vaupés in the pursuit of their mental well-being.

Kindred Executive officer Katie Langmore

Katie Langmore

Project Leader

Katie is an experienced community development and engagement specialist who is passionate about working with communities to design, deliver, replicate and evaluate best-practice programs. Katie holds a first-class Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Melbourne and has undertaken additional safeguarding and trauma-informed care training to support her work with communities.

Katie has a background in writing and editing and relishes finding creative solutions to community-identified issues. She has previously worked as editor at Oxfam Australia and has vast experience helping organisations share their stories. Katie has also worked as a practising artist, art curator and photography teacher at a First Nations school in Maningrida, Northern Territory.

Kindred team member Annum Shaikh

Annum Shaikh

Representative, Pakistan

Annum is an experienced public health and evaluation practitioner. She has over 10 years of experience in the field of healthcare – hospitals, nonprofit, government and UN. She has applied her research, epidemiological and analytical skills to measure and evaluate effectiveness of international projects and programs in mental health, community development, injury and violence, and complex humanitarian emergencies. Her management experience includes program development, staff management, capacity building, and leadership.

Most recently, she was an Impact Facilitator at Brotherhood of St Laurence in Australia, a social justice NGO focused on eliminating poverty. She led measurement and evaluation of a COVID-19 Community Strengthening project and managed staff. Working closely with a team of 32, she applied principles of Asset Based Community Development, Appreciative Inquiry, Advantage Thinking and Strengths-Based Capabilities Framework in a co-design fashion to engage with the community.

Annum is a strong writer, having authored research reports and articles, published in academic journals. She holds a Masters in Global Public Health and Epidemiology from Emory University in Georgia, USA.

She has supported organisations across North America, Latin America, Asia, Middle East, Africa and Australia. She is multi-lingual with fluency in Sindhi, Urdu and Spanish, and identifies as Pakistani-American.

Kindred team member Daniela Pickering

Daniela Pickering

Project Development Associate

Daniela is a Sociologist from the Alberto Hurtado University with a Diploma in Socio-Environmental Management from the University of Chile and a Master's degree in Development Studies from the University of Melbourne. With over 10 years of experience, she excels as a community development and engagement professional, fostering effective engagement processes and sustainable relationships among local, state government, and private sector organisations in both Chile and Australia.

Dani’s areas of expertise include community development, stakeholder analysis and engagement, group facilitation, impact assessment, and participatory monitoring. Daniela has worked extensively with clients from diverse sectors, including the private sector, NGOs, and local government. Additionally, she has collaborated with various community stakeholder groups, such as migrants, Indigenous communities, and both rural and urban populations.

Driven by her passion for promoting inclusivity and collaboration among diverse groups, Daniela brings her wealth of professional experience to gain a deep understanding of people, contexts, needs, and interests. Her expertise in community development, stakeholder engagement, and impact assessment allows her to contribute valuable insights to our projects. With a focus on fostering understanding and cooperation, Daniela is dedicated to creating positive change and meaningful outcomes for individuals and communities.

Kindred team member Ingrid Horton

Ingrid Horton

Visual Communicator

Ingrid Horton is a visual communication designer. She holds a Master of Teaching, a Bachelor of Visual Arts and a Diploma of Graphic Design. Having studied both fine arts and teaching Ingrid brings experience in creative fields and communication to her work for Community Works and our clients.

Ingrid is passionate about the power of design to contribute to, and transform, society in positive ways. She ensures that visual design is considered from the creation phase of projects all the way through to the professional output and delivery of communications. Using simplicity and visually rich materials to convey meaning Ingrid employs her skills as a visual communicator to expand the reach of our clients' great ideas, stories and information.